Payment Methods
Available bank accounts (Greece):
EUROBANK: GR 9802602110000630200783791
PIRAEUS BANK: GR 9001722100005210090107391
ALPHA BANK: GR 21 0140 7020 7020 0200 2015 732
Terms of Payment
The lease is paid either in cash, by debit or credit card, or Bank Transfer. When choosing cash, a credit card is required to freeze the guarantee amount, in accordance with the terms of the company, which will be released at the end of the lease if the stipulated terms of the contract are met.
All card payments are processed through Alpha Bank's Alpha e-Commerce electronic payment platform using TLS 1.2 encryption with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption protocol. Encryption is a way to encode the information until it reaches its intended recipient, which will be able to be decoded using the appropriate key.